Success is a planned event.

Whether in business or at play, winning doesn’t happen by accident. We believe in creating an environment in which families and individuals can thrive financially and create more personal freedom.

what we do

Sales and

We are a marketing arm for dozens of major retailers.  We work closely with some of the largest companies on the web in order to help them continue to develop a greater market share in the competitive and ever-changing world of e-commerce. Our track record of success is a direct reflection of the quality of individuals we have selected to join our team.


Though we believe in the power of the web as a tool to create revenue, we also understand that “high touch” is just as important as “high tech.” As a result, we focus on building long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with both customers and team members. Trust and service are the cornerstones of these relationships.


The large majority of professionals affiliated with URA have limited time outside of their full-time employment and family life. This is why thousands of our team members around the country have found our system of creating passive income to be beneficial as a means of generating a secondary revenue stream around a flexible schedule.


At the core of URA is our team of entrepreneurs. We continue to expand with credible individuals of character and integrity who are tired of the status quo. The founders have created an environment in which individuals can flourish and develop hand-selected teams of like minded individuals—a fundamental component to the success of any organization.

who we are

URA operates as a marketing arm for dozens of the largest companies on the web to help generate new business by expanding existing customer bases while raising brand awareness.
We are a team of diversified professionals, from all corners of the globe, who are united by a common interest in creating more personal and financial freedom through entrepreneurship.  This team has mastered the art of helping professionals create significant secondary income streams outside of their primary careers in a way that compliments what they are currently doing.

With representatives from Shanghai to Delhi and across the United States, we have the potential to do business in 180 countries around the globe; as the world becomes more interconnected, URA puts you in position to take advantage of the trends in this new global economy.

the buzz

As young professionals in the corporate world, we are each working 50+ hours a week. We’re busy. I was concerned I wouldn’t have time for something else but the URA team helped us create a secondary income stream using a few hours of spare time each week. I’m glad a representative took the time to sit down and educate us.

Patrick & Amber Nolan
Account Manager and Operations Coordinator

You know, we’ve been fortunate to do well financially in our careers and have risen up through the ranks within our respective industries—but we want more. More time. More freedom. Something more rewarding. And the URA team has given us that opportunity—and just as important, the ability to do it around our hectic professional and family lives.

Hugh & Sharima Ryan
Automotive Industry and Environmental Consultant
New York

As an elementary school teacher, I didn’t have any formal business background prior to working with the URA team. Though initially I thought that may be a disadvantage, I quickly realized they weren’t necessarily looking to expand with ‘business people’; they were looking to expand with good people—people of character and integrity.

Marissa Lewis
Elementary School Teacher

URA has proven to be a valuable asset in my life. I’m 21 years old and have no interest in working a typical 9-5 for someone else for the next 40 years. This team has given me options. Of course I was looking for more income, who isn’t? But maybe more importantly, they’ve offered mentorship.

Antonio Sosa

We’re both confident former athletes who believe in our talents and abilities. We did it right in so many ways. We played by all the rules. Higher education, advanced degrees, climbed the ladder of success, only to find ourselves wondering, ‘Is this really it? Is this what the next thirty years of our working careers will be like?’ URA provided an early exit plan.

Marcus & Jess Frisby
Financial Consultant and Psychological Evaluator

We love what we do in our full-time professions, but have always been business-minded and open to other options that might give us greater control of our lives. Because our careers are exceptionally demanding, we were concerned we wouldn’t have time for anything else. We were wrong.

Kevin & Amee Davis

You hear people talk about values these days, but with most companies they ‘talk the talk’ and it’s largely just lip service. We’ve seen over the years that URA ‘walks the walk.’ This organization and its leaders believe in integrity, family, and better quality of life—and that was attractive to us.

David & Quyen Nguyen
Practice Manager and Respiratory Therapist